If you are looking for knitting or crochet design work to show off your
beautiful yarns,
feel free to
contact me.
I can design, write a pattern, tech edit, photograph, and have the pattern test knit so that you
will receive a finished pattern
(with a store sample if desired) to sell through
your store or website.
The pricing will depend on the size/complexity of the design and the rights you
want to own for the pattern -
it can range from a small design fee + yarn
support, all the way up to a couple of hundred dollars for all the rights.
I have been fortunate to have some of
my designs be picked-up by major
magazines (e.g. Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits, Designer Knitting (Europe),
Creative Knitting, Knit Simple, Crochet World, etc.) and online magazines (Knit Picks
IDP, Petite Purls, Knitcircus), and I self-publish some of my patterns as well.
Photo credits (left to right): Cabled Poncho © Vogue
Knitting; Bistro Stole © Interweave Knits; Flying Dragons © Daniela Nii; Bobbles
Beyond Compare © House of White Birches; Chincoteague Cardigan © Interweave
Knits; Feel Better Buddies © Knit Simple; Tulip Cable Gloves © Daniela Nii.
I love working with my hands and I am constantly seeking out new ways of doing
things, new techniques, new crafts -
I am a proud multi-crafter.
You can follow my crafting projects on my sporadically updated
I've learned to knit, crochet and sew in elementary school in Switzerland and
have been knitting and crocheting now for over 30 years. Because of that I am
versatile in all kinds of techniques and styles so that I am sure that we will
be able to come up
with a design that will fit your needs.
So feel free to
get in touch with me
to find out how we can work together to show off your delicious yarns.
You will not only gain access to very affordable patterns but you will also
indirectly support
