Hi, my name is Daniela Nii and
I have been knitting and crocheting for 30+ years now, mainly for family and
friends and mainly by myself. When I joined
(find me on Ravelry as nikkisstudio) at the beginning of 2009, a whole new world opened up: there was a whole
community of like minded crafters out there!
I started to
submit some of
my patterns and was fortunate to have multiple designs published in major US knitting magazines
(Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits, Creative Knitting, Knit Simple and Crochet
World) and online magazines (Petite Purls, Knitcircus and Knit Picks). This allowed me to work with some pretty amazing yarns
and got me curious about the whole fiber industry.
And then, when I finally attended a large local wool market in 2011, I was blown
away by the diversity of the fiber offerings! Who would have thunked that?
I also realized that many of these fiber providers and fiber artist were small
operations that came from all corners of the state and beyond. For some, it was their
livelihood and for others, their beloved hobby. The wool market was one of the
few opportunities for them to get noticed, mingle and connect with fiber artists.
I was baffled by how many fiber providers were right in my area - and I just didn't
know! There I was, a member of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to get
local (organic) food, support small farms, and an avid knitter - and I had no
idea about what was going on locally on the fiber side of my dear hobby...
That's when the idea was born to create a web directory
- to connect fiber artists (knitters,
crocheters, spinners, weavers, etc.) with fiber providers,
- to allow knitters/fiber artists to find local fiber resources,
- to provide an opportunity to establish personal relationships between
consumers and providers,
- to reduce our carbon footprint by buying local,
- to keep our dollars in our own community to help support local jobs, public
services, roads and schools, and
- to preserve the "local flavor" of our community by supporting local fiber
I hope you agree with these goals and will look through the
directory to find
your local fiber providers and help support our small businesses.
As the site matures, more sophisticated listings and search capabilities will be
added as well as mapping of listing locations. If you are interested in finding out how you can help,
here are some ideas but we are open to many other creative ways
of supporting Local Fibers.com.
If you are a fiber provider, please
submit your listing to the
directory - it is FREE! The more join, the more useful it
will be for all of us.
Thank you for visiting!
About the Logo
This logo was designed by Jacquie
Fankell, an art student at the University of Wyoming.
The colorful circles represent the site's goal: to narrow down
the world of fiber to the ones in a certain area. They also represent the
processes fiber goes through - in both, size and color - starting with ranches
and farms, through the harvesting, cleaning, spinning, and dying processes,
ending its journey in the hands of fiber artists - just like you. :) |